The history of Tuscan Farmhouses
Located at the heart of the old continent, Tuscany is a land of long-standing traditions.
First inhabited by the Etruscans, then conquered by the Romans, after the fall of the roman Empire it goes through the long and dark centuries of the Middle-age. Unlike other regions though, through its Medieval communes Tuscany is able to keep alive most of the cultural achievements of the romans, and as soon as the time is ripe Tuscany blossoms anew and establishes the new Italian Renaissance era, an actual “rebirth” after the “Dark ages”, with its capital in Florence.
New wealth develops in the region through merchantilism and banking, and that allows all sorts of arts to thrive: literature, painting, sculpture and architecture move forward together under the thrust of humanism.
In opposition to this new world of glamour and novelty, life in the countryside stays quite the same, slow and humble.

Over time local agricultural practices, centuries-old traditions and environment-related requirements fusion together to yield a unique functional architecture which is nowadays described as the “Tuscan Farmhouse”.
Tuscan farmhouses represent an unpretentious type of architecture built with local materials such as uncut stone, terracotta tiles and chestnut timber, where every feature reflects a specific functional need of an agriculture-based society.
Tuscan Farmhouses in the third millennium
Tuscan farmhouses are a testimony to Tuscany’s historical and architectural heritage, to its traditions as well as to its slow-paced lifestyle.
They are scattered across and blend into Tuscany’s landscapes, they add to it and through the centuries they have become an essential part of it.
Most often located next to olive groves and vineyards, Tuscan farmhouses are inextricably linked to Tuscany’s agricultural practices such as oil and wine making.
In the third millennium society the purpose of Tuscan farmhouses is no more that of production and providing a livelihood to its inhabitants. Quite on the opposite, they have become a living symbol of Tuscany’s cultural heritage as well as a place where one can slow down and restore one’s mind and spirit.

Common Challenges in the Renovation of Farmhouses in Tuscany
One might assume that setting a new course for a Farmhouse in Tuscany is a relatively simple business.
Quite on the contrary, drawing up a coherent and tailored project for the renovation of a Tuscan Farmhouse is a multidisciplinary and multifaceted activity that requires a specialist in the field.
Requiring the right permits, preserving the building’s original features while accommodating the owner needs, choosing and sourcing the right construction materials, are just some of the aspects that need to be correctly and timely assessed in order to define the overall renovation costs as well as the duration of the construction works.
Choose the right specialist
Appointing the right team of professionals means being able to thoroughly plan the project in advance, both in terms of cost and time.
Besides that, during the construction phase a capable and reliable design team ensures a careful construction supervision, so that the sanctioned project may be executed without mistakes.
Choosing the right consultancy team equates to saving time and money, while meeting Client’s expectations.
Are you thinking about buying and renovating a house in Tuscany?